Monday, January 25, 2010

I didn't write this, but I wish I had.

Taking advantage
Syndicated columnist Leonard Pitts has plenty of condemnation for those who put a political or overly religious spin on the tragedy in Haiti. "Apparently, some of us are so estranged from their very humanity, so besotted with their own righteousness, so deeply, damnably smug, self-centered, small and mean, that there is nothing — not the wail of orphan children, not the stink of rotting flesh, not death tolls that stagger imagining — they will not reduce to cheap morality plays to further their cultural and political agendas,” Pitts writes. "Tens of thousands of people are dead in the poorest place in the western hemisphere and the preacher asks: How can that be used to buttress my vision of a vengeful, angry God? Relief is being rushed to the island as fast as humanly possible and the bloviator wonders: how can that be used to belittle Barack Obama? Apparently, there’s never a timeout, never a pause button, never a moment when they remember to simply behave like human beings. A human being, faced with calamity on this scale, says, ’Oh, my God.’ A human being says, ’Those poor people.’ A human being says, ’What can I do to help?’ But the (Rush) Limbaughs and (Pat) Robertsons of the world say some variation of, God hates you. Or, You had it coming. They call that conservative. I call it obscene.”

Read more:

1 comment:

Teresa said...

I love Leonard Pitts and read him regularly. And this is another time I think he's right.