Sunday, March 13, 2011


I haven't written in my blog in a while. I think I've lost my muse, but today I found it. I'm in Durango, Colorado skiing with Carson and four of his friends. What an honor to be included in this trip--I'm trying to roll with the flow let this group of 22 and 23 year olds enjoy themselves.
We skied down a couple of runs together this morning, and then I needed to go get my headband, so I told them to go on and I would see them later. I headed down the mountain by myself. Now this will be no surprise to anyone who has ever skied with me, I got on the wrong trail. I am the world's worst person to follow a trail map. I forget where we are supposed to go and seldom am the person who leads, but today since I was by myself, I was my own leader. I ended up on a lift that I hadn't ever seen before, but it turned out to be a great experience. The part of the mountain that I was on was empty this morning, so I was just skiing down the runs, minding my own business when a squirrel ran right out it front of me. I ran smack dab over his tail without a witness in sight. It was a serendipitous moment for both of us.
I'm reading the new book called, Heaven is for Real; many Christians doubt stories like this, and that's ok with me, but since I have a son in heaven, I'm hungry for information about this place. The little boy who visited heaven tries to describe the colors that he saw. I couldn't stop thinking about that today as I was worshiping the nature surrounding me. The sky was bluer than normal, the snow was pristine white, the evergreens were rich green, the people skiing are wearing the colorful coats, hats, etc. It was almost too much for me to take in. I'll use that as the excuse for getting on the wrong trails. Sadly, it wasn't only once. I spent about two hours this afternoon skiing blue runs (my 56 year old knees prefer easier greens) because I kept taking the wrong trails.
Tonight I'm exhausted. I've had my shower and am about to read a little and go to bed because the wonder of God's creation exhausted me. Now I have no idea if we will ski in heaven, but if we do, our knees won't hurt, we won't get cold, the snow will never be icy or slushy, and maybe my glorified body will have an internal GPS that will keep me on the right trails.


Unknown said...

Hey Ms. Humphrey!
I just love reading your blog.. It makes me smile every single time I do. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!!
Have a great time in Colorado!
Love from Germany,

Humphrey said...

Thanks, Julia. We had a wonderful time. Love from Oklahoma,