Saturday, August 21, 2010

Nice to meet you, I'm your great great great grandfather.

I've been thinking about heaven a lot lately. I've been to so many funerals and visited with so many grieving parents and grandparents in the last few months that I guess it's no wonder. Something has come to my attention recently, and it's so obvious that I feel like saying, duh, but I love my new train of thought.
I always think of Jason in heaven with my parents, Tony's dad, my sisters, and some of the other relatives that Jason knew here on this earth. What has come to my attention recently is that Jason is in heaven with ancestors that he nor I ever met.
I come from a long line of Christian people. I wonder how many generations back his new acquaintances go. Has he found the source of his passions? Has he met a great great grandfather that he has so much in common with that they hang out all the time?
Jason loved music, loved to sing, loved to listen to music. Has he found a person in our ancestry that shares that love. Do they sing together? What perfect harmony is he listening to?
Does he know these people immediately, or does each generation have to introduce him to the one they knew until they go all the way back to ....(I don't know who).
My cousins have searched the Rider family all the way back to England, but they go back farther than that. I wonder if I had a relative that was one of the early Christians. Maybe I have a blood connection to one of the early believers. Maybe the Apostle Paul preached in a city that my ancestor lived in, and that ancestor shared his faith, lived his faith so that his children and children's children were also believers.
I think I'll start praying for my descendants. To think that I will be able to meet my great great grandchildren someday when I never knew them while I was living...that's pretty cool. I hope that they will be able to trace their lineage back to my life. Luckily, it won't stop there because I stand on the shoulders of previous generations of Christ followers.
I get antsy with this life. I would love to have grandchildren when the time is right, but I'm already 55, so I doubt that I live to see great grandchildren, but who cares, I'll spend eternity with them, and I won't be aged and infirm. I'll be able to match them step for step.

1 comment:

Lance Phelps said...

Wonderful thoughts Mrs. Humphrey!! Riley asked me the other day if our cows go to heaven. It's fun to think about that stuff!! Whatever may be in heaven I'll bet Jason is having a ball with it!! I just hope that it is climate controlled, because it is too hot down here! Thank you for sharing you wonderful thoughts with us!