Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Crazy, Crazy

The past week or two our nation has gone goofy. Word was out that on the traditional day after Labor Day that starts the school year for many of America's school students President Obama was going to give a speech to the students. Ok, so today he gave that speech, and many of the schools did not show it because parents complained that he would indoctrinate the students with his political idealogy.
I read the transcript yesterday, and saw absolutely nothing offensive in it. It sounded like words my students need to hear. Study, don't drop out, wash you hands, read a book, respect your teachers, stop kids from bullying. What is so dangerous about that?
The thing that embarrasses me is that much of the misinformation out there was contributed by Christian people who listen to anything negative about President Obama and believe it.
Today on Channel 4's website there was a post that said, Thou Shalt not Bear False Witness, unless you are the Baptist Messenger. I don't get the Baptist Messenger, but I would certainly hope that their writers check carefully all of their sources.
I work with both Christians and non-Christian people. If the Christians who are part of this "fear" propaganda knew how the non-Christian people were talking about all Christians right now, they would realize that they are doing damage to the cause of Christ. People who hear the "fear Democrats" "fear Obama" "fear health care" "fear anyone who is different from you" fear, fear, fear are thinking that all Christians think like you do, and they want absolutely nothing to do with Christianity. My pastor began using the term Christ Follower a couple of years ago. What makes me sad is that I think he changed his terminology because so many people think of Christian with a negative connotation.
I have beloved family members and friends that I attempt to be a witness to, but they very forcefully tell me that they want nothing to do with today's churches.
I read a book several years ago called Following Jesus without Embarrassing God. Now I think someone should write a book called Following Jesus without being a Christian.
President Obama made his speech today, and the students in my school did not hear it. My concern is that they will never hear it. Many of the students I teach do not have parents who will sit down with them and have them watch the speech, so tonight they will watch Family Guy, Married with Children, The Simpsons, and other garbage that will tell them to be a slacker, be rude, be smart mouthed, treat your parents and teachers with disrespect.
What amazes me is that we can have assemblies and career fairs and invite guests to come and speak during the school day, and parents don't complain. Who knows what message the kids are getting? The most popular sessions are the military recruiters because they usually bring gifts. a helicopter, or a hummer, so the kids flock to their sessions. Talk about indoctrination. A recruiter can convince any 17 year old to sign up with talk about signing bonuses, free college, tours in Hawaii, etc.
When my kids were in school, I would not allow them to talk to a recruiter. I had to get rude with the recruiters by saying, "If my student wants to join, he/she will contact you after his/her eighteenth birthday. Until then leave them alone."


Mel said...

I don't think anyone will be able to tell we talked about this at all. Pretty sure our posts are VERY similar. Not that we can't think for ourselves, just obvious that we feel the same about these issues.

Teresa said...

DH, I have so much to say about this, especially the part about Christians driving away people from Christianity. Too much to say and too many stories but let's just leave it at this: I concur. ;-)